Dear sister,

Claudia Flores
4 min readAug 20, 2019

I still remember the day you arrived at home — your brother and I spent all day waiting, by the window, until mom and dad came home. You did not seem as excited as we were to see you, and instead you were, actually, asleep — as babies do. For days and days, I waited to play with you but all you wanted to do was sleep. As time passed by, you went from sleeping to crying, to talking, and eventually walking. I went from changing your diapers to teaching you your first words. You were after all, my little sister.

As your big sister, I quickly realized the responsibility that came with having a sibling. Your existence meant that you would be there to perpetually remind me just how old I was getting. But what no one prepared me for, was for the day where you would in fact “grow up.” As you read this, you may feel a bit embarrassed, but trust me, that is not my intention. I write in awe at the realization that you are in fact “growing up” and about to embark on one of the most exciting journeys in your life: college.

Sister, tomorrow is your first day of college. As you arrive to a college campus, I am certain that your heart will be racing with emotions — excitement, pride, and perhaps some fear. You may be a little nervous — trust me, I was too. But as you step into this new journey, I want you to know a few things:

You earned it. From the many sleepless nights doing homework, to hours of community service, you have worked hard. Your determination and hard work have afforded you this opportunity, so trust yourself and know that you got what it takes to be there.

A humble mind and an open heart can open doors. While I am asking you to walk this path with pride, I am also asking you to never forget where you come from. You will seek new opportunities, meet new people, and be surrounded by individuals who may not look like you or come from similar backgrounds. I want you to enter these spaces with an open heart — believing the best in others, but also keeping in mind your goals. Don’t lose sight of what matters as you enjoy the beauty of new experiences. Your family has worked very hard so that you may walk this path. Remember that we are walking along your side, so never forget us.

Find joy even in the hardest moments. College will not always be easy — some nights you will question your path, you may feel confused, you may even feel misunderstood. But even through tough times, may you learn to always find moments of joy. Be present in your surroundings and express gratitude — which will guide you to a lighter path. You are going to college in a politically and socially divided times, but don’t let those times overwhelm you. Remember that even after the hardest storms, there is always a rainbow.

Find your story. We all have a story to be told. College will be an opportunity for you to learn about yourself, to write your own story. Don’t be afraid to question and look inside — but be kind to yourself. May you always remember that you are powerful, and that your happiness and joy depends on you not others. May you find your truth and always tell it.

Know your self-worth. College will test your boundaries and expose you to new experiences. Don’t forget that you are beautiful — inside and out. You will make choices — and my only hope is that your choices reflect your worth. As Dr. Maya Angelou once said:

It’s in the reach of my arms,

The span of my hips,

The stride of my step,

The curl of my lips.

I’m a woman


Phenomenal woman,

That’s me.”

That’s you.

Lastly, remember that you are not alone. You have a community, a family, and a big sister rooting for you. I hope that you find your college journey as exciting — and even more exciting — than mine was several years ago. I hope that college gives you the tools that you need to grow your passions so that one day you may use them to positively impact the world.

Sister, with these words, I hope that tomorrow you go in there, confidently, knowing that you are surrounded by an abundance of love and support. I hope that you go in there knowing that no matter where you go, how far you go, or how hard the journey may be, I will always be by your side.

Now, as the Jesuit tradition once taught me, sister, it is now your turn: “go forth and set the world on fire.”

With love and admiration,

Your big “seester.”



Claudia Flores

Proud Honduran American. Thinker. Writer. Finding ways to give #immigrants a fighting chance in America. Views are my own.